Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fall is upon us...

The weather has started to cool and if you are anyone but my older sister, you are so thrilled that fall is coming. And with fall comes, what, you ask? That's right...football. If you've ever been to our house on a Saturday, Sunday, Monday night or Thursday night, you know that's probably the only thing playing on the television. However, now that we live in Small Town, America, Friday nights are reserved for High School football. Friday Night Lights is alive and well in Ellis County, folks. And you better believe we wouldn't miss it.

Ada attended her first football game this past weekend. And although this was her first live game, Ada is certainly already familiar to the sport. Being a Ballard, she was introduced to football at the ripe age of 3 weeks old.

At one point during the game on Friday, as I'm chasing Ada up and down the row apologizing to everyone she shoves in the back along the way, the following conversation ensues.

Kyle: "I guess we're going to have to do this every Friday night, huh?"
Me: "Excuse me?"
Kyle: "Look at her. She loves it!" (In reference to our one year old daughter.)
Me: "And by love it, do you mean can't possibly sit still for more than 1o seconds at a time unless the nice lady next to us give her cookies as a bribe to sit in her lap?" (snarkily)
Kyle: "Yup."

Oh daddy... I can't wait for you to have one weekend alone with her. And then I welcome you to take her wherever you see fit. One time, I imagine.

1 comment:

TeamRiss said...

Looks like you guys had a good time. Glad to see you're back to the world of blogging! I'm adding you as a 'friend' on my blog :)