Thursday, May 21, 2009

Who's a big girl?!

In preparation for Cashew's arrival, we've been playing musical bedrooms at our house. We've moved the nursery down the hall to one of the guest bedrooms, turned the main guest bedroom into Ada's room and have turned what used to be the nursery into the main guest bedroom. Whew. Anyway, last Friday, Ada began sleeping in her big girl bed. I was very nervous about how this might go. For those of you who know Ada well, she is somewhat rigid when it comes to her sleeping routine. Sleeping with us has never been an issue because she really only sleeps well in her own bed. I didn't know what she would do with the freedom of no bed rails or anything to keep her in, but alas, this child just keeps suprising us!

The first night, she got out of bed once just after Kyle put her down. He went back in, put her back in her bed and said goodnight. Not a peep out of the child until 8AM the next morning. In fact, we were making breakfast Saturday AM and Ada reached up to where the coffee mugs rae and said "Cahckee," which is her word for coffee. One night in her big girl bed and she thinks she's ready for a morning cup of coffee!

Every other night she has slept just fine, but has started getting up at 6AM. This does not bode well for her 8 month pregnant Mommy, or "Maudi" as Ada has named her, who is up 1/2 the night anyway with pregnancy insomnia and Braxton Hicks contractions. Today, she made it until almost 8, so maybe we're on our back to a 12 hour sleep cycle. For her, not Mommy.

There's still some decorating left to be done in her room so I'll post photos of the finished product later. And for those of you wondering, Cashew is only 7 weeks away from making his/her debut. July 10th is the scheduled delivery unless he/she arrives earlier. So Matt and Danny, if this baby holds out...looks like you'll have a new one to share your birthday with from now on!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend with the Fam

We haven't had a Tolles' family fun weekend in s good long while, so it was just time. In fact, we haven't even seen Grandma and Grandpa Tolles since Aunt Courtney's wedding almost a year ago. And since Mother's Day and Grams' birthday fell at the same time, we could think of no better weekend to all get together at our house.

Wow. Ada just hams it up. The moment Grandma and Grandpa arrived on Friday morning, she lept into their arms and played with them all day long. However, once Dee-Dee and Papa arrived a few hours later, she said hello to them and then went and told Grandma and Grandpa "Bye," sealed with a kiss. It was a little unclear as to whether she thought since new visitors arrived, the others had to go; or if since her Papa was now here, she probably wasn't going to see much of anyone else, so she thought it only polite to say her goodbyes then. I'm leaning towards the latter.

Anyhow, we had a great time of fellowship. Ada danced her heart out to her "Elmo" CD, her new favorite character, for those that don't know. And it was certainly good to catch up with grandparents who we haven't seen for such a long time. The Shaha's all came over for a Fish Fry on Saturday night and Aunt Lindsay brought fun 3-D sidewalk chalk and actually let the other kids color with it! Or "cully," as Ada says.

Thanks to everyone for making the drive here! We enjoyed the visit and look forward to more!