Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fun with Family & Friends

So once again, it has been far too long since I've posted. But we had a very exicting weekend so there's lots to tell! First off, my wonderful girlfriends and sister decided to throw me a shower, for which Kyle & I are extremely grateful. It was a lovely affair complete with a LEMON-FLAVORED CAKE! If you know me, you know i love cake and lately cannot get enough lemon (see below) so this was like a dream come true! Here are the lovely ladies that threw the shower.

From L to R, Kathy Abbott, Sara Abbott, Stephanie Curs (formerly an Abbott), Baby Momma, Lisa Nelson and Lindsay Tolles.

I guess I should probably back up a bit though. Turns out, my other sister, who currently lives in South Africa was planning to be in New York the week prior to the shower b/c her boyfriend had some business there. I was so excited b/c I thought she would get to come to Dallas that weekend and be at the shower and all. Well, she told me that she and Simonn just couldn't work out a way to get down to Dallas in such a short amount of time. I was bummed, but understood. HOWEVER, what I did not know, was that is was all a sneaky trick to surprise me! Turns out, Simon had a little surprise for Courtney too, though. That's right, he proposed in NY last Thursday night.

Wanna see the happy couple?? Here they are! want to see the ring. Here's one closer.
Still can't see? Alright fine, here's the ring!

It's really beautiful and we are VERY happy for Courtney and Simon! They hope to have the nuptials somewhere in Texas Summer '08.

So anyhow, needless to say, I was thrilled that she was here and we had another something to celebrate. We had a very fun weekend full of family and friends.

Here are the sisters: Lindsay, Casey & Courtney

These are many, but not all of the Wilson Women. (Those are the women from my mother's side of the family - onry, every last one of them.)
Here we have 3 generations (4 if you count the baby in my belly).
L to R: My grandma (actually from the Tolles' side), Cousin Staci, Great Aunt Mitzi (The Matriarch), Cousin Debi, Aunt Susan, Mom Lynne, me, Sister Lindsay, Sister Courtney.
Thanks to all for coming to the shower!

Simon, my brother-in-law to be and me. So excited to finally get a brother!

Here's daddy making an impromptu toast to the Happy Couple. Seriously, next time, give the man a little warning.

Here are my sweet grandparents who traveled all the way from Nebraska to see Cork, meet Simon and bring me a beatiful baby blanket my Grams quilted!

And finally, for all of you wondering about Kyle? He's still around!


Haha. Just kidding. I do need to take a minute to brag on him for being the best Baby-Daddy-To-Be ever! He is so excited about this baby and really does a great job taking care of me! I'm very, very lucky to have him and Peanut is very lucky as well!

Thanks for all that you do, love. I am so grateful for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Casey you look wonderful! I can't believe little Courtney is engaged!
Tell her Congrats! Glad things are going well for you.