Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Thanks to some serious help from family members, we managed to get the hard labor for the nursert knocked out this weekend. And I must admit, I am very excited about. It really has turned out even cuter than I imagined. And thanks to the hard work of some other family members, we've ordered Peanut's furniture. It should arrive early June, giving us just enough time to finish everything else before Peanut's arrival!
Guess what?! I can sew! Who knew?

Daddy in his famous coveralls getting the first coat on the wall.

Kyle, Daddy & Lindsay figuring out how to get the border and chair rails up on the wall. Very clever, those three!

We've got the paint and border on the wall. And mom finished the valance which is hanging.

The hard work is done. Now we just have to get Peanut here!


Courtney & Simon's Wedding said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone found a legitimate reason to wear Coveralls......aggies are so cute.

Congrats on everything.

ps. Reid and I still have bigger baby bumps....let's talk around 24 weeks....Ha.