This child of mine has become downright helpful. Now that she understands everything I tell her or ask her, she really is a little helper. Just this morning, we were headed out to the gym and I realized I only had one diaper in my bag. I asked Ada to go into her room and get one diaper. Would you believe she actually did it?! I said, "Ada, can you go get me one diaper?" She said, "Diaper?" and marched right into her room, took a diaper out of the dresser and brought it to me. She can also take certain things such as baking sheets and pots and pans out of the dishwasher and put them in their proper drawers without being asked. And the child cannot stand for a door or drawer to be left open even a little. This comes in extremely handy since I have inherited my father's inability to close either. I can also keep her busy for hours by asking her to take things to the trash can one item at a time.
The realization of this had made the idea of having 2 children barely under the age of 2 a little more bearable for me. For those who don't know, I've been, while certainly excited, mostly terrified at the idea of having an infant and managing a toddler all at once. I can't even really talk about it because I know there's not a lot I can do to prepare; I'll just have to adjust once Cashew arrives.
Speaking of Cashew, he/she is growing and developing just great so far. We had a second sonagram last week and everything seems to be in order. As promised, Kyle & I declined to learn the sex of Cashew even though our doctor was trying to tempt us. He even went so far as to tell us that the DVD he sent us home with contained enough evidence for us to find out of we were so inclined. Just for the record, curiosity got the best of me so I studied it a little further and I still have no idea. Anyhow, all is in order for a July 11th (ish) arrival and we are excited. While visiting some close friends in the hospital last week with their new baby, I realized how fun it will be to have a teeny tiny one around the house again.
Thanks for all your help, baby girl. Things are about to get a lot busier for us both in a few short months!